Friday, October 22, 2010

Lesson 4: No Florida Fruit in Florida

The search was on almost as soon as we arrived in Florida.  We had dreams of rows and rows of roadside fruit stands, with fruits and veggies fresh from the farm. We thought this was the land of endless bounty and harvest. 

First, we tried in "normal" grocery stores...the infamous Publix.  All of the fruit there was overpriced and shipped in from other countries and states.  Even the grapefruit was imported from California.

Next we tried a Farm Market...note, this is not a farmer's market.  This place had more potential because they were specialized...again, no.  There was weirder fruits and veggies, but when looking at labels, they were all imported!

Finally we tried an actual farmer's market that again had potential and even the ambiance with the tent and screened in shack.  The only things that were from Florida were oranges and honey.  All other fruits were IMPORTED!

Thus far, I am convinced, finding fruit that is grown in Florida and is sold in Florida is like finding a person that was born in Florida and still reside in is rare and should be treasured when you find one. (I get autographs from these rare specimens...they will be worth something some day)

Reading online, it looks like a lot of farmers markets open in October here? So I am wondering if this is because the growing season starts in October down here because it is too hot in the summer, or is it because snowbirds come down here for winter, and therefore there is more demand for farmer's markets?  This question, I will have to leave unanswered until a later date...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you find something local soon. Wish more people would stop and think about where our food comes from and what it's doing to the environment to transport it. Miss you!
