Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extra Credit: The Scientific Method

Quick thought that hit me while working out...There are a few ways to change things in your life...My mother loves to say "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result..."  She's a smart lady, but when you change something, what method do you choose?

There is the Biggest Loser Method, which says when something isn't working in your life, change everything. Abandon all that you were doing before and change it  NOW.  I guess this is due to a sense of urgency.

There is the sales man method, also known as my dad's method...what will you do differently TODAY.  Change some sales approach that you do to see if the results change...however, as one of my favorite business professors told me, in sales you have to be like a ninja and dodge the rain drops.  Constantly changing direction and approach to maintain the ever changing competitive advantage.  As soon as you stop, the rain will hit you and you are done for.  In other words, change fast and change often.

I am going to try the Scientific method...(it might not be "scientific" at it might be "My method that I am going to try this week until I decide otherwise...") is that I could not have possibly messed up so completely that I have to abandon ALL that I am doing (the Biggest Loser Method).  I also am, as my favorite blues singer in New Orleans sings, "built for comfort and not for speed" so changing fast and continuously is difficult and taxing...(I think the slow pace of Florida is finally getting to me, haha) and some changes take longer to see the effect.  So I am going to change only 1 thing a week and see what the result is.  Then the next week, I will keep that change and add another.  Testing what combination will work.  Moderation is key...or so all of the weight loss programs have told me...

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